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Equipment take-back concept

The Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG) transposes the European WEEE Directive 2012/19/EU into German law. It regulates the placing on the market, the taking back and the environmentally sound disposal of electrical and electronic equipment.

We would like to point out that owners of old appliances must dispose of them separately from unsorted municipal waste. This is also indicated by the symbol of a crossed-out trash can on electrical and electronic equipment.

Waste electrical equipment take-back_symbol

You can return waste electrical or electronic equipment that you have purchased from us. We will dispose of them for you free of charge and professionally. To do so, please contact us through the usual channels via your personal contact or via We will contact you immediately and provide you with all the necessary information to return your equipment to our company location. Please decontaminate the equipment, if necessary, before returning it and complete the decontamination declaration sent with the equipment to ensure that it does not pose a risk to persons entrusted with the assessment, recycling, initial treatment and disposal of the equipment.

According to §19 (1) ElektroG, you are not obliged to hand over your old equipment to us as the manufacturer. However, if you refrain from returning your equipment to us, you as the end user are obliged in accordance with §19 (2) to subject your old equipment to initial treatment and recycling in compliance with §20 (2) to (4) and §22 (1) and to hand it over to a certified initial treatment facility.

No personal data is stored on our devices. In the event that you do save personal data on integrated data carriers, you are responsible for deleting the data yourself before sending the old device.